Monday, April 12, 2010

For Those who is in relationship!

Must love, on the entire life Love,

if a good chinaware, once destroys, no matter how you do, think of every means patching, can leave a scar,

therefore, from d starts we need to careful protecting.

In the huge crowd, seeks one person accompanies you is not easy, to seek companion is not easy to this life, therefore protects the love, we must treasure.


別再伪装自己, 我怎么会有这样的生活???
心里又有个声音又再说 忘了他, 他也忘了我.

夜里星星在闪亮, 还有谁会来安慰我???
梦了醒了 人该散了 而我还剩下什么

从此我该怎么过, 该用什么去解脱
彷彿是我一个人的错, 最后伤的最深依然是我

从此我该怎么过, 看着镜子独自寂寞???
但我最怕你回來说 在乎我!!!

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